September 14, 2023


September 14, 2023

Bristol Dental Specialists



February 10, 2020

It seems like only yesterday we decided to set up Bristol Dental Specialists, a private practice committed to providing a broad range of specialist dental services with the very best care and service.  Our dream turned to reality when we were lucky enough to secure our beautiful grade 2* listed building in the picturesque Berkeley Square in March 2019.

From the moment we set foot in the building, we realised what a magical place this could be.  At the time it was neglected, dirty, had water stained ceilings and abandoned bits and pieces from the previous tenant but it’s impressive grandeur, inlaid bannister and original features had us hooked. Of course if takes a lot of vision to see through the mess and visualise the perfect layout for the business in mind, luckily this aligns well with what we do every day with our patients’ teeth, we visualise the end results and work out a plan to get there!

And plan we did for our new practice; from the initial design of the building, surgeries and reception, the laborious planning stage for our grade II* list building, finding the right builder and team to put it all together. We are so pleased to be settled and working in this amazing building and both our patients and our referring dentists have been very complimentary.

Our surgeries all have amazing views of some of the very special buildings surrounding us.  At the front we can see Cabot tower on Brandon hill and the lovely square gardens, the surgeries to the rear show us the amazing architecture of Browns restaurant, the Museum and Wills memorial building.  We were so impressed with the views; we positioned all our chairs facing the windows so you can enjoy them too!

Here are some of the photos of our building, we hope you love it as much as we do…

Bristol Dental Specialists Ltd Registered in England & Wales company number 11696017

Bristol Dental Specialists, 24 Berkeley Square, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS8 1HP. Telephone 0117 450 6666. Bristol Dental Specialists Ltd trading as Bristol Dental Specialists is a credit broker not a lender and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, 914167. Registered in England & Wales 11696017. Registered Address: 24 Berkeley Square, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS8 1HP.

© Copyright Bristol Dental Specialists 2020-25  | Website by QualiConvert

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