Ella Thomson


Ella Thomson

Bristol Dental Specialists

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Bristol Dental Specialists
As a dental student at the University of Bristol, working on reception at Bristol Dental Specialists gives me a deeper understanding of the full patient journey. I enjoy welcoming patients with a warm smile and putting them at ease before their appointment.
As a dental student at the University of Bristol, working on reception at Bristol Dental Specialists gives me a deeper understanding of the full patient journey. I enjoy welcoming patients with a warm smile and putting them at ease before their appointment.

Bristol Dental Specialists Ltd Registered in England & Wales company number 11696017

Bristol Dental Specialists, 24 Berkeley Square, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS8 1HP. Telephone 0117 450 6666. Bristol Dental Specialists Ltd trading as Bristol Dental Specialists is a credit broker not a lender and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, 914167. Registered in England & Wales 11696017. Registered Address: 24 Berkeley Square, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS8 1HP.

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